70 minutes, 5 actors. Site-specific. Performed in a residential house.
Written by Elena Belyea
Dramaturgy by Dean Patrick Fleming, Sarah Elkashef, and Emma Tibaldo
Directed by Andrew Ritchie
Main Acting Company: Eva Foote, Ashleigh Hicks, Jacob Holloway, Roland Meseck, Gabriel Richardson
Photo credit: Mat Simpson
Poster design: Meags Fitzgerald
Support for Everyone We Know Will Be There was provided by Playwrights Workshop Montreal, Canada Council for the Arts, and Common Ground Arts Society.
Workshop Production June 2016. Premiere in Edmonton and Calgary June 2017.
Keg stands, Sour Puss, Snapchat and Yukaflux. Brad’s parents are out of town for the weekend, which means only one thing — the most orgiastic, booze-filled rager this school has ever seen. Everyone we know will be there, plus a few nobodies. A deafening investigation of teenage sex, identity, consent, and the warm, wet lessons we can only learn in the dark.
“You can only imagine how complicated this kind of spontaneous chaos, at the intersection of the individual and the group, is to synchronize. The natural rhythms of start and stop, and the scrambly, brusing escalation of tension fuelled by booze, happen at Brad’s place: stories within stories. Kudos to Belyea, Ritchie and stage/production manager Tori Morrison, all founders of Edmonton’s Found Festival, for figuring out the smaller personal arcs within a larger arc of a “play.”” – Liz Nicholls (Full article here).
"For the Children: Everyone We Know Will Be There is a truly immersive play that takes place in a suburban house. The youth-oriented piece was inspired by playwright Elena Belyea’s time at the National Theatre School. “I was feeling a bit challenged because I feel like a lot of theatre written for young people can be preachy or very lesson-based,” she says. “I started trying to write the play that I wished I could have given myself when I was young.”" - Josiah Hughes, Swerve (Full article here).